“World Biennial of Student Poster” is open

The Eleventh World Biennial of Student Poster, organized by the University of Novi Sad and the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, is open to all undergraduate and graduate students…

RISE Dispensaries new brand identity designed by Turner Duckworth

RISE Dispensaries, the rapidly growing cannabis retail chain unveiled its refreshed retail brand identity completed in partnership with Turner Duckworth, a global design firm with offices in the U.S. and…

Teen Art Awards Competition 2023

Teen Art Awards is the first international prize in the field of contemporary art for teenagers. The prize was created in St.Petersburg as a project of the art.coordinate (art.coordinate.com) Foundation…

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Posterheroes 2023 – Beautifully Diverse

Posterheroes 2023 – Beautifully Diverse invites the creative community to promote a new representation of disability.  In a world where inequalities are constantly increasing, strengthening cooperation and educating solidarity and empathy to recognize…

Vercetti Regular Free Font

Vercetti is a sans serif font inspired by a humanistic design with a geometric touch. Its character structure is solid and moderately conventional, integrating smoothly into miscellaneous projects such as…