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Free Anton Stogov

  Ukraine graphic designer, Anton Stogov was arrested and sentenced, with no proper trial, to 2 months in prison for working late due to the current crisis in the Ukraine….


Ziko: The Cutest Munky!

  Ziko is The African MunkyBum created as a mascot for Kozi’s African Restaurant in Athens. He’s a cheeky, tubby little bugger but always smiling and ready and willing to…

The Patternity Manifesto

  ‘BECAUSE A SHARED AWARENESS OF PATTERN HAS THE POWER TO POSITIVELY SHAPE OUR WORLD’ “Patterns are something we come across every day. We wear them, we walk over them,…


Unlikely Opponents

  Danilo Agutoli designed a series of original and fresh illustrations of well-known characters. He combined superheroes, characters from movies and famous historical figures, and created the Unlikely Opponents. Danilo putting them against one another in a…