Within the framework of Toolkit Designers Meeting 2016 (www.designtoolkit.org/en/toolkit2016), in association with Poster Poster (www.posterposter.org), Design Toolkit (www.designtoolkit.org) is announcing this year’s 3rd Poster Battle, which is open to design school students from around the world.
The Poster Battle is held under the auspices of the Greek Graphic Designers Association (GGDA).
This is an open call for all design students.
The competition will have two categories: the Greek category, where works only by Greek participants will be judged by a separate, Greek jury; and the International category, where all works submitted will be judged by an international jury.
The members of both juries will be announced soon.
The 100 most outstanding posters from both categories, as judged by the juries, will be exhibited in Thessaloniki on October 6-16, 2016. In each category, the participant with the poster that receives the highest rating from the competent jury will be awarded. Prizes will be announced soon.
What makes you agonize about your future? Which do you consider the most important value in a person? What is at the top of your mind when you wake up in the morning? What makes you feel good just thinking about it? What do you keep hidden deep inside you? What do you want to say to people around you, but don’t know how to express it? What is your opinion on important issues for humanity? What is your personal opinion that you want to share?
The only possible way for us to evolve, to develop both our personal and, more importantly, our shared culture, is to discuss and share our views on issues that interest and concern us. To accept everyone’s right to free expression – without diffidence or prejudice. How great would it be to be able to collect the most significant thought from every person on Earth! Perhaps then we would discover that regardless of our place of origin, our gender, race, religion, or culture, we actually care about the same things.
Participants in Poster Battle 2016, on the theme of No selfie thought, no culture, are called upon to visualize their personal – selfie – thoughts on a subject that they, personally, consider significant (for example: the future, health, love, friendship, human rights, everyday life, environment, relationships, etc.). Participants may choose the visual style they will use for their poster (typography, illustration, photography, etc.).
Important dates
July 1, 2016:
Jury members are announced
July 10, 2016:
Winners’ prizes per category are announced
July 11, 2016:
Online submission opens
September 11, 2016:
Only submission closes at 23:59 EET
September 25, 2016:
100 most outstanding posters are announced, participants are notified via email
October 6-16, 2016:
100 most outstanding posters are exhibited in Thessaloniki, Greece, during Toolkit Designers Meeting 2016
Click to Read more and Submit your Poster