365 days, 55,000 photos, 825 hours shooting, 8400 km, 650 hours of processing and the The Amazing Timelapse Video of Panagiotis Filippou Offcially Selected LAIFFA 2015!
This was the most amazing news I could share for the start of a promising new year 2016! If you find a reason to believe in miracles, Panagiotis Filippou is the pure example. Take a quick review here or check out his full story on http://www.panosphotographia.com/greekskies/
Greek Skies from Panos Photographia on Vimeo.
Panagiotis Filippou created this amazing video in memory of his father, who failed to win the battle with cancer. A battle that Panagiotis miraculously won himself. Struck from the same disease with metastases to the stomach in the bone marrow and head, managed, despite all estimates of the doctors who gave him three to six months of life, not only to win in this unequal battle but now to consider this disease as the most precious gift that God sent him. As he explains on his website :
Having survived a trip through the cursed disease of cancer myself it is even harder to be the person who gets to deal with all the process of supporting a member of your family giving the same battle you gave but with so uneven chances.
I was given 3 months to live when I was diagnosed and 2 metastasis from stomach to bone marrow and head… well you can figure out the % when you are 87% full of cancer. Nevertheless no matter what the chances I simply couldn’t give up. The moment the doctor tells you “Sorry I can give you a rough estimate 3 months or maybe 8 with painkillers but you should make all arrangements of your life as soon as possible since your good days are now” then it hits you. Your brain goes on a state of photographic canvas. Pictures everywhere with situations, amendments, regrets, “what if’s”, Can I now?, Would I?, and so many other photos that represent a part of your life – good or bad – that you would give anything to have time to make it right or live it.
My cancer was the BEST GIFT God could ever give me. I know it sounds weird but through this process although I wasn’t expected to be the one with the good chances, I managed to get the best of it. What’s that? That is to figure out who is my best friend, my true friends – you know who I am talking about – the ones that would be with you during your worse moments.
Read more… http://www.panosphotographia.com/greekskies/
Check some of the images below to see some of the astroscape was filmed.