“Now, instead of a mass audience consuming media from a single source, we have multiple sources, multiple channels and multiple audiences. Every participant is potentially a sender as well…
Beware of False Prophets & Creative Cards Backside | Two wonderful projects by Giga Kobidze!
Giga Kobidze – a young illustrator and graphic designer living the dream and passion in Tbilisi, Georgia. Working on various projects all around the world. Inspired by a myriad…
2nd International Reggae Poster Contest 2013 | Open for Entries
2nd International Reggae Poster Contest 2013! Theme: Toward a Reggae Hall of Fame: Celebrating Great Jamaican Music. The organizers of the International Reggae Poster Contest (IRPC) are pleased to…
No Plus Without Us | Branding Identity
Tabi Aziri, student in Academy of Fine Arts, Tetovo in Skopje, was the art director and concept developer of this interesting branding identity for advertising agency Idea + Communications….
Losef | An amazing self-taught Japanese Illustrator
Manabu Odajima aka Losef is a self-taught Japanese illustrator who began doodling as a means of killing time. Losef creates his unique approach by learning from all things he…
Money for Free | The 9 Finalist Posters
Skopje International Student Poster Competition announces the 9 finalist posters for the “Money for Free” Poster Competition. Winners were chosen by a distinguished jury panel (http://skopjeposter.com/SKopje_Poster/money_jury.html) consisting of Laze…
Merry Christmas Wishes with 3 Wonderful Retro Illustrations!
Creative Pop is a new uprising artist from Greece. Her inspiration comes from retro 50’s designs which we can clearly see in the illustrations she offered to www.graphicart-news.com wishing…
Limmie. The Magazine for Creative Professionals!
I’m proud to introduce you the new issue (5) of Limmie magazine. Limmie is a new inspiring magazine publishing in Indonesia. I was very happy when Ezzro Nababan, the…
30 Amazing Reggae Poster Art
Hello art and reggae world enthusiast! Let me introduce you to my partner and his amazing poster art. Michael Thompson aka Freestylee, artist without borders. Freestylee is a prolific…
Body Alphabet
Amandine Alessandra is a freelance photographer and graphic designer based in London. After a Masters in Fine Arts & Aesthetics from the Université de Provence in 2003, she moved…
A Poster for the Apartments
An evening with the apartments. The evening visits, the apartments, these names will not let you indifferent. While having a French tour, the delicate songwriter (and away for so long)…
Antifascist Solidarity for Greece | Poster Design by Freestylee
SMASH FASCIST FEAR On the 19th of January 2013, artists, academics, scholars, immigrant communities, antifascist collectivities, workers unions, etc are calling for a day of antifascist action in Greece…
Fantastic Winning Posters of the International Poster Biennial in Mexico
The International Poster Biennial in Mexico has become over its 20 years as a meeting place, collaboration and cultural exchange between students and graphic design professionals and recognized. Few…
International Reggae Poster Contest in Athens, Greece
AKTO Art & Design Collage in Athens, Greece launches a four-week International Reggae Poster exhibition. Curator and co-founder Maria Papaefstathiou of the contest presented the 100 winning posters from…
Walking into a dream, in Athens
Walking into a dream, in Athens “Συν-οικία Πιττάκη” Have you ever felt like the line between reality and fantasy is extremely thin? If not, we’re sure you’ll reconsider… Imagine…
Magical Surrealism Photography
Ronen Goldman, is an Artist and Conceptual Photographer from the lovely city of Tel Aviv, Israel. He is specialized in creating “Photo-Dreams” – conceptually constructed photographs, illustrating his various…
World-A-Reggae | International Reggae Poster Exhibition in Athens, Greece
The founders of the International Reggae Poster Contest (IRPC), Michael Thompson and Maria Papaefstathiou, are pleased to announce the opening of an exhibition of art, on Thursday, 22 November,…
Richard Maitland | Photographs of the Human Spirit
Richard Maitland, is a Jamaican photographer, with love for people and his own country. His photography, convey this love passionately. Strong expressions, bold statements, deep emotions, travel to viewer’s…
The Poster Art Of Chinese Propaganda | 1949-1990
The Shanghai Propaganda Poster Art Center features a private collection of about 300 brightly colored, Mao-era propaganda posters stretching from the founding of Communist China in 1949 to 1990,…
“Contemporary Graphics of Iran” Poster Competition – Call for entries (Deadline: 20 November)
retrieved from Rene Wanner’s Call for entry Exhibition and book of the history of one hundred years of “Contemporary Graphics of Iran” Vol. 1- POSTER The research and writing…