Pete For America is a series of Pete Buttigieg’s portraits created by the renown Greek visual designer Charis Tsevis inspired by his campaign for the 2020 Democratic primaries.
Tsevis aspires Pete to be the next President of the USA and therefore he created this series as a promotion for his campaign.
According to his words, what he really likes about Mayor Pete is that he is a debate opener, a calm listener and a positivity ambassador. His education but also his manners are reflected in his language as well as his tone. He is opening the debate about policy, values and identities in a sober and productive way. This is something so rare and so needed in times like these.”
You can purchase a limited edition art print of these artworks here.
Pete Buttigieg: Miserere
Charis Tsevis explains why he created the mosaic below: Personally I am not really religious. I wish I could be more than just an occasional church visitor just to celebrate big religious events and costumes of my Greek heritage. But I am somebody who is recognising the incredible power of religion in society and private life. Have this contact with a less logical and more emotional part of nature that can’t be ignored. Pete is opening this debate and he is also defining the vocabulary for it. He is speaking for the important values that are reflected in scriptures.
Hope he can find a wide audience for this debate. I also hope that this portrait of his I created can also start some healthy and productive debate on values, spirituality and politics.
This portrait wants to mimic the visual vocabulary of stained glass window art. It’s a puzzle created with pieced from hundreds of stained glass artworks from many cathedrals around the world. Hope that you like it no matter what religion you follow.

From Malta to South Bend.
L-isbaħ xewqat minn Malta u mill-Mediterran, Pete Buttigieg (Best wishes from Malta and the Mediterranean).
A mosaic portrait of Mayor Pete Buttigieg created with Maltese ceramic tiles, majolicas and other art pieces from the Mediterranean.

Details from the Pete For America mosaic illustrations.

— Pete Buttigieg

(Photo: Chuck Kennedy/PFA)
#portraits #illustrations #mosaic #tsevis #PeteForAmerica #Pete2020 #PeteButtigieg