“Poster for_” An International poster competition

The Poster for___. is a non-profit design project and international poster competition established and held by Shangning Wang. The topics of the project are only focus on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The project is honorably partnered with
ARTFIRE, which is the biggest online Art Education platform in China. Other prime
supporters include graphicart-news.com, COW International Design festival; and

The project’s goals and missions were
initially established in 2015. After two years’ preparation, the project was
successfully launched in June 2018. Since the launch of the project, it has made
a big impact to the global poster design filed. A number of websites and blogs
shared the project’s brief. In addition, from June 26th 2018 to September 20th,
the organizer received 5863 posters from 45 countries.

The Poster for___. is a new platform for
designers and artists who want to make changes. These days, with the world’s
most critical problems increasingly catching people’s attention and vehemently
debated, poster design has become more and more influential in making changes
and will definitely be more powerful in the future. To consider the role of poster
design in nowadays society, to rethink the challenges for poster designers, the
Poster for___. calls to all designers and artists from around the world to
participate in this project.

The 2018 competition’s categories include:
A. Climate Change
B. Child
C. Ocean Protection
D. Education
E. Water

These categories cover the most debated
world’s major issues brought forward by UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Poster for___. International Poster
Competition Jury team comprises 8 renowned international design experts,
professors and non-profit cultural association from 7 countries. The grand jury
team includes:

  • International recognized Greek
    graphic designer and curator Maria Papaefstathiou, who is also known as the
    co-founder of International Reggae Poster Contest;
  • The respectful American Professor
    Michelle Fehler;
  • Famous Ukrainian art director
    and designer Helen Baranovska, who is also well known as the president of COW
    International Design festival;
  • Italy based non-profit cultural
    association PLUG Creativity, which is known for its famous international
    contest Posterheroes;
  • Award winning Ecuadorian Poster
    Artist Mario Fuentes;
  • Influential professor Li
    Zhongyang, who leads the design program in China Capital Normal University;
  • Cypriots Visual Designer
    Aggeliki MK Athanasiadi, who co-found the international poster competition
    Graphic Stories Cyprus.
  • Influential Chinese design professor
    Tu Zhichu.

The original contributions and significance
of Poster For______. refers to its originality as the first international
design competition that brings such a clear, wide and in-depth focus on UN
Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)’s world major issue topics. The competition
is a big and positive encouragement to designers all around the world,
appealing to use their talent for the betterment of the world’s future.

Poster for_ 2018

A. Climate Change

Top 9 (listed in no particular order):
Chaofan LI_China_失联
Behnam Ranjbar khadivi_Iran_air-pollution
Elnur Babayev_ Azerbaijan_ our end actually
Francisco Telleria_Spain_Strong_Antarctica
Jiajun liu_China_Slow Death
Jonathan Cumberland_USA_How Will We Be Remembered?
Meysam Hame ei_Iran_Global Warming
Wojciech Osuchowski_ Poland_ MyHome
Mengnan Guo_China_ Excessive deforestation

B. Child

Top 8 (listed in no particular order):
Bahram mirzaei_Iran_job
Canwei Lai_ China_ Education for children
Mario Estevez_Mexico_Life
Miranda Miranda_Australia_Exposure
Piotr Pietrzak_Poland
Stuart Roldan Castro_ CostaRica_Sex Education
Yixuan zhou_China_Music education promotes children’s growth

C. Ocean

Top 8 (listed in no particular order):
Changlu liu_China_WE ARE ONE
Aidar Gafurov_Kazan Art School_Russia_Plastic boron
Wenfeng Huang_China_SAVE
Wojciech Osuchowski_ Poland_ PlasticKills
Yongkang Fu_China_ Living space
Luis veiga_portugal_blister
Patrycja Longawa_Poland_Octopus
Katona Barbara_Hungary_Do_you_want_it

D. Education

Top 7 (listed in no particular order):
Louise Baskerville_Singapore_Illiteracy
Rikke Hansen_Denmark + Aram Huerta_Mexico_Education is the key to freedom
Yiming Hong & Suiru Dai_China_From Vision to Exploration, From Earth to Space
What’s in a name_Belgium_Education
Arturo Rivera_ México_Lesdd violence
Lijie Yang_China_Sowing
LiWei Wen_China_innovation

E. Water

Top 8 (listed in no particular order):
Ahmad Vojdannezhad_ Iran_ water crisis
Alireza Tabouk_Iran_SaveMe
Fabian Emmanuel Muñoz_Mexico_WaterWars
Jhon Cortes_Colombia_WaterWar
Ralph burkhardt_germany_rainwater
Xuandong Wu-China-water
Zeyuan Lin_China_ Water is life
Chuan Jiang_China_“Rare” Water-Panda

Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (www.reggaepostercontest.com)