Marçal Prats was commissioned by GovLoop to rebrand their identity and he did an extraordinary job! Marçal Prats is a graphic designer from Barcelona specializing in branding, publishing and art direction. He is currently based in London after working in Washington, DC. Such moves are part of his endless aim to achieve new challenges and opportunities. In addition to his work as a designer, Marçal is passionate about photography and music production.
Read more about the Rebranding of GovLoop below and check his Behance portfolio for more works.
About GovLoop
GovLoop, located in the heart of Washington, DC serves a community of more than 300,000 federal, state and local government public servants as well as active and veteran military service people. The core mission is to help government employees to do their jobs better, by helping the community to foster collaboration, learn from each other, solve problems and advance in their government careers.
The Logotype
The GovLoop logo dates back to the year of its founding in 2008 and its adjustment in 2010. Since the GovLoop brand already enjoys strong consolidation within the U.S. Government’s public sector community, maintaining its visual identification has been crucial in its 10th Anniversary redesign.

Main objectives
- Evolve the brand while keeping its DNA. The concept of “Loop” is perfectly represented since the original logo of 2008 and it is a great choice to keep the same concept.
- Enhance the “Loop” concept. In the 2010 revision, the design was limited to updating the typography and
colors while maintaining the formal problems of the arrows. - Rework the arrows and font shapes. The complexity in the execution of the shapes of the arrows had not been treated with the attention it deserves until this last redesign. Although it was a good decision to use a bold italic typeface in the 2010 revision, very much in line with the shape of the arrows, this last proposal needed a more dynamic typeface and contemporary forward-thinking shapes; Neo Sans Black Italicfulfils this purpose.
- Increase the legibility of the brand. In addition to preserving the concept of the logo, the new
colors are intended to refresh the brand, using a purer green and a vibrant orange-yellow, which in combination offer greater contrast while balancing its luminosity and saturation.

The Brand Identity
GovLoop’s mission is to serve as a help to improve a community unique in the world: the public sector of the U.S. government. So the main underlying concept to convey throughout the brand
identity is “friendliness“.
This translates into the choice of a color palette that conveys diversity and candor—with its saturated and light versions— together with Emtype’s Ciutadella Rounded, a typeface that conveys character and kindness.
Accompanying the typeface styling, an extensive bespoke made library of icons that covers the main topics of GovLoop editorial content, defines the overall look of the communication.

GovLoop SWAG goes far beyond its simple definition of the “Stuff We All Get”. It’s all about
GovLoop’s signature t-shirts and stickers are intimately related to the corporate culture, its philosophy and its tone of communication, friendly and fun. They are a key product that has accompanied each of the events, publications and mailings made since its founding. Furthermore, the preparation of promotional mailings is a tradition performed by the new staff and interns at GovLoop and serves as a welcoming, integrating, fellowshipping and learning activity of the company’s values.

Editorial publications
The publications make intensive use of the icon library, typeface, and color palette. These three ingredients combined creates a distinctive, clean, and charming style that invites an entertaining reading, which reinforces its inspirational aim.