Reggae Poster Art | Solo Exhibition of Michael Thompson aka Freestylee, Artist Without Borders


Please join Maria Papaefstathiou ( and Keene Arts Gallery,

Saturday 27th July 2013,  5.00 pm – 8.00 pm

Let’s take a step back in time with a solo exhibition, Reggae Poster Art: The History of Reggae,
by the International Poster Artist, Michael Thompson aka Freestylee, artist without borders,
at Keene Art Gallery, Keene, NY.



A selection of 35 posters to explore the history of Reggae, through portraits and historical moments.
An exhibition dedicated to Ted Bafaloukos, Director of the iconic reggae movie “Rockers”.
Curated by Malcolm McDougall.

The Exhibition will be opened
by Anicée Gaddis, Editorial Director of Big Magazine

This exhibition will also help to raise funds for ALPHA BOYS’ SCHOOL in Kingston, Jamaica.

Stay updated! Follow the event at


The first work by Michael Thompson I ever layed eyes on was my face on a poster, the way I looked when I was half the age I am now.
As it turned out, I got to meet the artist himself a few weeks later. He came to see me, bearing gifts; two splendid prints, one of my portrait and the other, a poster for the Alpha School in Kingston, about which I’d heard much from Horsemouth, another illustrious alumnus of that miraculous institution. It is a simple composition, in black, silhouetted against a crimson background. A young boy, his trombone raised, pointing almost straight up, his head all the way back, is about to blow the first note. But what reveals Michael Thompson’s keen artistic insight is the empty chair behind the boy. The lot of the student, to sit in that chair and learn. The chair now left behind. The boy might not have wings, but he is about to fly, his trombone pulling him up into the heavens.
It is like that with all of Michael Thompson’s work. An emotional reward awaits you every time you look at one of them. The incomparable portraits of national heroes and reggae’s great legends, not only the stars but the foundation builders; The Great Sebastian, Prince Buster, Sir Coxsone, King Tubby with his crown… you are not looking at a skillful adaptation of a photographic image, you are looking at the face of a life.
Or a scrawny kid dallying on his bike, dreadlocks inside his bulky tam, living from moment to moment like a leaf in the wind.

Ted Bafaloukos
Director of Rockers


Preparing prints for the exhibition …



Goodies for the visitors!

Exhibition dates: 27 July to August 31st
Opening days and hours: Wed, Fri & Sat 5pm- 7pm

Keene Art Gallery,
10881 NYS RT 73
Keene Valley, New York 12942

For more information,
call 914.309.7095
or E-mail: [email protected]


Limited Edition Freestylee Book

The show will also include one limited edition book of 50 Freestylee posters.
Those that are interested in ordering the book, please contact us or directly at



The making of the book



Michael Thompson (aka made a poster just for Keene Arts- we will be selling a limited edition (series of 30) with certificates – $150 a pop (24x 36) get’em while they last!

Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (

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