The International Reggae Poster Contest Opens for Entries

After 6 successful annual competitions (2011-2018), the International Reggae Poster Contest is now biennial. Today, we announce the 7th Call for entries.

Main theme of the contest: Toward a Reggae Hall of Fame: Celebrating Great Jamaican Music.

The theme of this year’s contest: Reggae Music: Messages from Jamaica to the World.

In the world of design and the arts, there are many poster competitions. Some focus on music, such as jazz and rock; and others on social awareness. But there is only one competition worldwide on reggae music. One of the reasons this music has spread across the globe is because reggae speaks to our heart and our mind about a wide range of social and political issues. For this 7th contest, we would like entries to focus on the messages that reggae and all the other genres of  Jamaican popular music are spreading globally. We are looking for creative visual expressions that capture those issues and showcasing them through the energy and the vibe of Jamaican culture, at home and internationally.

Competition dates are as follows:

Submissions open November 1, 2019.
Submissions close March 1, 2020. No extension will be given.
Voting dates: March 15 to April 20, 2020.
Announcement of winners: May 1, 2020


The 7th edition of the International Reggae Poster Contest 2020 will open for entries on November 1st, 2019 (12am EST time), and will run until March 1st, 2020 (12am EST time).  No extension will be given. The top 100 posters will be selected by a jury panel comprising international design professionals.


Open to designers all over the world.

There is no entry fee.


Final Selection Panel

Andrew Lewis, CANADA; Charis Tsevis, GREECE; Chaz Maviyane-Davies, ZIMBABWE; Elmer Sosa, MEXICO; Eric Boelts, UNITED STATES; Frank Arbelo, CUBA; Mehdi Saeedi, IRAN; Niklaus Troxler, SWITZERLAND; Rikke Hansen, DENMARK; Susan Lee Quee, JAMAICA; Susana Machicao, BOLIVIA

Pre-selection Panel

Andre Hutchinson, JAMAICA; Celeste Prieto, PARAGUAY; Christopher Scott, ECUADOR; Gabriela Luna, MEXICO; Kathiana Cardona OpArt, VENEZUELA; Li Xu, CHINA; Maja Wolna, POLAND; Mario Fuentes, ECUADOR; Nicholas Da Silva, UNITED STATES; Osvaldo Gaona, MEXICO; Qixin Shi, CHINA; Rory Taylor, UNITED KINGDOM; Stavros Damos, GREECE; Tomoko Miyagawa, JAPAN; Yuxuan Wu, CHINA


The winners will receive a trip to Rototom Sunsplash European Reggae Festival (grand winner), a cover feature and exclusive interview of the grand winner in the IRIE Magazine, the new Down in Jamaica box-set by VP Records, a package of fonts, worth €500, from PARACHUTE Typefoundry, an exclusive handmade wood product from Alpha Institute woodshop made by its students, Wacom Intuos and many more.

For more details visit the website:


Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (