Collaborative Exhibition
Curated by The Bakery
29 May – 7 June 2015
Many seem to overlook the fact that we now live in a multicultural world. Though cultures differ, we still have a lot in common. Global trends dictate looks, tastes, opinions and manners. But at the same time people do their best to stay authentic and keep traditions alive.
We thought it might be a good idea to investigate into cultural clichés of other countries, find similarities & differences and try to express them by means of visual communication. We teamed with 19 more studios from across the globe to brief each other and create 2 posters each: one based on personal choice, another based on a brief from the peers.
The result of the collaboration is an exhibition:
40 posters from 20 studios, explaining simple and complex things through type, illustration, form and colour.
The aim is to show that as much as we differ from each other, we still can speak the same language. While governments and politicians can’t come to certain agreements, we still can relate to each others culture.
Participants of the exhibition:
Bielke+Yang (Norway), Hey Studio (Spain),
Mind Design (UK), Pum (Brasil),
Kurppa Hosk (Sweden), Studio Hi-Ho (Australia)
Aku (Estonia), Moniker (United States)
Think Work Observe (Italy), Studio FNT (South Korea)
Savvy Studio (Mexico), Mainstudio (Netherlands)
Foreigh Policy (Singapore), Tsto (Finland)
Hvass & Hannibal (Denmark), The Bakery (Russia)
Deutsche & Jappaner (Germany), Empatia (Argentina)
Epiforma (Portugal), 1983 Asia (China)
website : www.unitednotions.ru
facebook: facebook.com/unitednotionsofficial
twitter: twitter.com/united_notions
instagram: instagram.com/united_notions_
hashtag #unitednotionsmoscow
The Bakery : madebythebakery.com
General sponsor Arjowiggins Creative papers
The event is launched with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Here is a teaser of 4 posters that UNITED NOTIONS Collaborative Exhibition will showcase.
‘Feng Shui’ by 1983 ASIA and Epiforma.
Description of Chinese cliché:
Apart from comfort, functionality or design the Chinese also care about ‘Feng Shui’. This concept is very hard to translate and explain in foreign languages. It is more of a philosophical system based on harmony of people and their environment that is achieved by a combination of invisible forces (known as qi) that tie together the universe, earth and humanity together.
Chingar by Savvy and Mainstudio.
Description of Mexican cliché:
In Mexico words may have a lot of different meanings depending on context. The best example is “chingar”. The word is used either to say bad things or good ones. There is no proper translation for this word in any language.
If used as a verb, (again, depending in the context) its meanings can vary between: to bother; to work hard; to eat; to have sexual intercourse; to steal; to break.
If used as an adjective, some of the multiple meanings can be: good, cool; bad, awful; the best; curse You can also combine it with other words to create new ones. Some people use the word chingar almost for everything.
There’s even a dictionary for most of the meanings the word can have called El Chingonario.