welcome back by Giordano Poloni

Illustrations by Giordano Poloni

Giordano Poloni, born in 1980 and resident of Milan, earned a cinema bachelor’s degree in 2006. In the same year he starts working with some Italian advertising production companies (Enormous Films, Atre Films e h­films ) as editor and motion graphic designer. In 2010, Giordano  starts collaborating with ‘you_are’, a post production studio based in Milan, as Smoke artist. In the same year he starts his illustrator career for clients as Il Sole 24 Ore, Rizzoli RCS, The New Scientist, Random House Australia, Wired UK, Wired Italy, The Sunday Times.
Inspired by his huge collection of comics, music videos, movies and photography books, and above all, colour, he creates digital artworks highly reminiscent of his Italian heritage and he just started to draw he’s first own children book.

Graphicart-news asked Giordano to speak about his work.

Tell us few words about your work. Is there a specific theme you enjoy more to work on?
I certainly have got a vintage touch and I really love the American imaginary of the fourties and fifties.
My subjects are very different but I think you can find a childish touch in everyone of it, I love not to be so serious, even when I’m drawing disquieting subjects. I also really love to use a surreal touch cause it gives that strange mood that let you deeply upset, in a good way.

Are your illustrations part of commercial projects or editorial use?
Both. I work more on editorials and sometimes I make commercials. But I like also work on personal projects that are funnier.

How would you describe your work in 3 words?
Narrative, surreal, melancholy.

Enjoy his wonderful illustrations and see even more at his website: www.giordanopoloni.com


Picame by Giordano Poloni palazzo by Giordano Poloni house in kobe by Giordano Poloni annabelle by Giordano Poloni painted ladies by Giordano Poloni miami ancora by Giordano Poloni joshua by Giordano Poloni birds by Giordano Poloni a occidente mazinga by Giordano Poloni welcome back by Giordano Poloni underworld by Giordano Poloni

Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (www.reggaepostercontest.com)

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