Eric Anderson hails from the State of Texas and currently lives in Brooklyn with his lovely wife Amy. His work has been published in Italian Vanity Fair, Vogue Hommes,…
Larsen | Inspirational Portfolio [13]
“As designers, we have the skill and responsibility to help others make good choices about the marks they leave on the world.” — Tim Larsen, President & Founder Larsen’s Executive…
Wonderful Illustrations by Jesse Lefkowitz
Jesse Lefkowitz was born and raised in the hills of rural Virginia. His first choice of vocation was that of cowboy/frontiersman but, in 2001, he put those dreams aside…
Concept ships by Daniel Dociu
Fantastic concept art from Daniel Dociu. Perfect placement of values via abstract shapes to create a solid formed concept. You are gonna love his work. …
Michael Thompson. The Artist Without Borders Speaks About his Creativity for Positive Change and Peace Activism.
An Exclusive Interview with Michael Thompson, by Maria Papaefstathiou for Michael Thompson is a graphic designer from Jamaica based on United States. I know Michael for some time…
REFINED Exhibition
The theme “Refined” was picked for the 2011 Oklahoma State University design show graphics. This show is an annual exhibition showcasing the portfolios of graduating graphic design seniors. The work…
Hip Hop Portraits by Michael Molloy
Michael Molloy, is an award-winning art director and illustrator based in Morristown, New Jersey. His hip hop portraits highly illustrated with details, is one of his works that captivated us….
Dignidad Rebelde’s Fantastic Art and Posters
Dignidad Rebelde an Exhibition of Prints and Posters Feb 4, 2012 to Apr 15, 2012Artillery AG presents Dignidad Rebelde, a graphic arts collaboration between artists Melanie Cervantes & Jesus Barraza….
Distinctive Artist Luba Lukova in GRaphicART-news
An Exclusive Interview with Luba Lukova, by Maria Papaefstathiou for “I’d be happy if people can recognize my work without reading my name.” I had the pleasure and honor…
12 Wonderful Typographic Illustrations by Jon Contino
As a New York native, Jon Continohas been under the influence of corporate mass marketing and inspirational street art since his first breath. Not surprisingly, he has garnered considerable attention…
14 Inspiring Posters by Jude Landry
Jude Landry born and raised in New Iberia, Louisiana, completed both a BFA and an MFA in Graphic Design from Louisiana Tech University. He has worked as an Assistant Professor…
Wonderful Wildlife Watercolor Paintings
Emily Fundis is an animator, comic artist, printmaker, illustrator from Nashville based in Chicago. As I was searching her website the wildlife watercolor paintings grabbed my attention. 0 likes
Another kind of bodypainting !
Stunning work! Alexa Meade paints with acrylic on flesh (and clothing). You could call them bodypaintings Source: Acrylic on Flesh – today and tomorrow 0 likes
Inspirational Quotes
A collection of inspirational quotes & watercolor abstract art (by Michael J. McIntosh 0 likes
Soulseven | Inspirational Portfolio [2]
Every week we post here one of the portfolios that our spy discovered. We hope you enjoy it.! Please feel free to comment. This week’s Portfolio of SOULSEVEN Soulseven is the…
The Archipelago by Patrick Hruby
Los Angeles based illustrator Patrick Hruby has created a new series of work based on an unpublished short story titled “The Archipelago,” written by his boyfriend Seth Stewart. “The Archipelago”…
Derek Long. An extremely tough work ethic designer
Derek Long, a graphic designer with an extremely tough work ethic that is hard to much, as he always make sure the job is done perfectly! He is a current…
The Price of Everything!
Book Trailer / Motion Graphics, Consumer With countless new arrivals and launches, few categories are as cluttered as book publishing. How do you launch a new book in a…