Siggi Eggertsson was born in Akureyri, a small town on the north coast of Iceland. He first showed an interest in Graphic Design at the age of 14 when he became involved in local design programs creating posters for jazz concerts and art exhibitions. When he turned 18, his vision started to expand beyond his remote home, so he applied to the Iceland Academy of Arts in Reykjavik to study Graphic Design. During his first year he met the typographer Atli Hilmarsson and they began working together on design briefs. Here Siggi Eggertsson developed not only as a typographer and designer but also, increasingly, as an Illustrator and image maker in his own right. In 2005 he moved to New York to work at the Karlssonwilker design studio followed by a move to Berlin to study in the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee.
Early in 2007 Siggi moved to London to become part of the Big Active family and contribute to publications like Dazed and Confused, The New York Times and Arkitip plus commercial work with H&M, Stussy and various music projects. Siggi has a unique and complete visual identity; his approach to work takes in his design background, which results in work of hidden depth and sense of purpose. (text copy from
Siggi combines the influences of classic impressionism with contemporary technology. In time and traveling between New York, Berlin and London he acquired his own style and vectorized his subjects, with a constant need to continue to move forward, improve his designs and developed his own unique illustration style.
Iceland. Landscape / cityscape illustrations of various locations around Iceland done for Landsbankinn
Visual identity for Reykjavik Arts Festival 2012
Philip Glass for the cover of The Village Voice
Cover of issue 30 of Little White Lies, The Future Issue
Cover for the 157th issue of Computer Arts
Illustration for the 47th issue of T-Post
Poster for the exhibition
The letter E, done for Grafik Magazine
The New Settlers. Editorial for Wallpaper*
Patchwork Quilt
Siggi’s graduation project from the Iceland Academy of the Arts. A patchwork quilt built from elements from his childhood. The quilt consists of around 10.000 patches and the size is 2 x 2.5 meters. Quilted by Jóhanna Viborg.
View more of Siggi’s amazing projects @