A group of diverse artists (76 artists) who have all “Come Together”, accepted the call of Gallery Nucleus to honor “The Beatles” and design for this legendary group. Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra, California celebrates 50 years of the Fab Four with a tribute exhibition and event.
Artists who participate are: Alberto Cerriteño, Alexandra Boiger, Alina Chau, Andrew Bannecker, Andy J. Miller, Andy Ristaino, APAK, Becky Dreistadt, Ben Zhu, Benjamin Butcher, Brigette Barrager, Brittney Lee, Brun Croes, Chris B. Murray, Chris Turnham, Christina Song, Cuddly Rigor Mortis, Dan Santat, Dan Thompson, David Au, Dawn Au, Drake Brodahl, Edward Kinsella, Eren Blanquet Unten, Eric Diaz, Felt Mistress, Glenn Kim, Graham Annable, Griselda Sastrawinata, Hermann Mejia, Israel Sanchez, Jackie Huang, Jake Parker, Jeff Victor, Jim Mahfood, Joey Chou, John Malloy, John-Paul Thurlow, John Solimine, Joy Ang, Julia Sonmi, Kevin Chan, Lesley Barnes, LeUyen Pham, Linda Kim, Lorena Alvarez, Mark Sperber, Matik, Matthew Lyons, Mattias Adolfsson, Megan Hughes, Michelle Romo, Nicole Gustafsson, Nimit Malavia, Oliver Akuin, Pat Perry, Patrick Awa, Patrick Hruby, Paul Wee, Perry Dixon Maple, Pete Fowler, Peter Breese, Rich Pellegrino, Robert Valley, Scott Bakal, Scott Balmer, Scott C Sebastien Mesnard, Shag, Stephen Silver, Terry Fan, Tim Doyle, Veronique Joffre, Victoria Ying, You Byun, Zane Yarborough
We randomly selected 5 of those designers to show you their amazing portfolios. Enjoy!
Fifty years ago, Richard Starkey, a Liverpool drummer that we now know as Ringo Starr, joined what would become the single most influential rock band in history. John, Paul, George and Ringo, The Beatles as billions have come to know and adore, was born in August of 1962 and quickly took the world by storm. To say that no musical act has as heavily impacted modern music and popular culture as much as The Beatles would be an understatement. Their songs, which consistently preach the message of love and togetherness, have left a legacy that has long outlived the band’s ten year run. Their undeniably fresh and experimental sound sparked a musical revolution: a turning point that would set the bar for every artist that would later follow. Though The Beatles have sold upwards of an estimated billion albums worldwide, secured their place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and still hold the record for the most number one singles in the United States, their genius extends far beyond said achievements as they continue to influence a new generation of fans half a century after their humble beginnings. Read more: http://www.gallerynucleus.com/gallery/exhibition/339
Josh Agle (aka Shag)
Josh Agle (aka Shag), is a painter, illustrator and designer working in Southern California. His initial intention to establish a career as an illustrator-for-hire was sidetracked when his original paintings began to garner considerable attention from galleries and collectors. Since his first solo gallery show in 1997, Shag has had successful solo exhibitions in the USA, Europ, Japam, Australia… Enjoy a small collection or read more: http://www.shag.com/bio.html
Benjamin Butcher
Benjamin Butcher the illustrator for several of Pixar’s films. Ben has a blog named Blips and Ifs, where he posts his personal projects and also projects made for Pixar. Ben is amazing illustrator, who uses nothing else but paper, cardboard and various other paper products to create amazing beautiful artworks.
Alberto Cerriteno
Alberto Cerriteño is a Mexican illustrator & designer who has lived in America; Portland for nearly four years now. Strongly inspired by urban vinyl toys, alternative cartoons, and the pop surrealism movement, Alberto Cerriteño has developed his own very personal technique and style, having always present a delicate hints of traditional Mexican artistic influences in his management of rich textures and decorative patterns. These contrast strikingly with the blending of desaturated colors and ink, sometimes featuring a vintage coffee finish.
Israel Sanchez
Israel Sanchez is an amazing illustrator based in La Habra, California. You can see more of his artworks at his webpage : http://www.israelsanchez.com/
Linda Kim
Linda Kim was born in L.A. where she grew up. After graduating and working for a bit, she decided to go back to school full-time to pursue Illustration. Her curiosity made her yearn to explore new things whether it be through travel, food, people, or conversation.