The International Reggae Poster Contest is pleased to announce the top 100+1 winners of the 7th Contest. Six hundred and sixty-seven designers participated this year, sending 1100 posters from 79…
Humans At Work. Deadline Extended
Posterheroes competition: Smart working and future of work. Due to the current health emergency Posterheroes: Humans at work postpones its deadline to April, 10 to allow everyone who wants to…
CALL FOR ENTRIES – The Intl. Reggae Poster Contest announces its 7th Call for Entries
After 6 successful annual competitions (2011-2018), the International Reggae Poster Contest is now biennial. Today, we announce the 7th Call for Entries. BRIEF Main theme of the Contest: “Toward a…
Madrid Gráfica 2017 | Call For Posters: The light City / La Ciudad Ligera
DIMAD and Madrid City Council, supported by the Business Forum for Madrid, call on all graphic designers to take part in the first open poster exhibition of the event “Madrid…
Poster “The fall of the Berlin Wall”
The Fall of the Berlin Wall, one of the most important historical events of the last century, illustrated and narrated using the unique cartoon figures named “The Conical People” by…
Poster Poster Magazine | First Issue
‘Poster Poster’ only recenlty published their newsest project, the Poster Poster Magazine (PPMAG). PPMAG is a biannual publication for all those around the world that really love poster design. The…
Woodcarving Reggae Poster | Interview with Theodoros Kontaxis
Congratulations Theodoros! Tell us how did you find out about the International Reggae Poster Contest and what was it that attracted you to participate? I found the competition through social…
Avi Marciano. Harmony and Balance | Interview
Avi Marciano is the Second place winner of the International Reggae Poster Contest, 2014. He is a 35 year old graphic designer from New York, married, with 3 boys. Avi…
Poster BIKEART Exhibition | VOL 4
Tomorrow, Friday 27th, an exeptional exhibition will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece. The 4th annual “Poster Bikeart Exhibition” in an effort to promote cycling through art and to support the…
XI Golden Bee Global Biennale of Graphic Design
XI Golden Bee global biennale of graphic design is: 15000 applications, 1300 selected posters, 552 authors from 57 countries, and six best poster designers of the world to choose the…
Album Anatomy
“Album Anatomy” is an exploration in the art of minimalism. By the use of a strict grid, Duane Dalton breaks down the album imagery which leaves a central void to convey a…
100 Amazing Cycling Posters | The “100 Hoopties” Project
100 Hoopties is a design challenge project where every day for one hundred days starting April 7th, 2014 and ending on July 15th, 2014 – an iconic poster design will…
Free Anton Stogov
Ukraine graphic designer, Anton Stogov was arrested and sentenced, with no proper trial, to 2 months in prison for working late due to the current crisis in the Ukraine….
Poster Artist Andrew Lewis | Interview
Andrew Lewis is an internationally renowned graphic artist who fuses typography, illustration and design to create posters. His work has represented Canada in numerous international biennials in Europe, Latin…
The Gun Show Poster Project
Artists across the country are stepping up to join the conversation about gun safety. The Gun Show is a crowdsourced collection of posters for sale to promote gun safety. Artists from…
The REVOLUTION will not be Televised
A tribute to the late, great Gill Scott Heron’s classic track designed by Steve Simpson . Check out Steve’s amazing profile here. 0 likes